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Author Topic: OCD Support Group - Session 137  (Read 246015 times)
ANN News Team
Posts: 13,601

Clay's Magazine Maniac

« Reply #360 on: March 14, 2010, 04:47:28 PM »


I want to play the Clay Easter game, too!  Laughing

Betty -  Huggles I am so glad to see you are safely home - hope you do feel like calling Shirl. I talked to her earlier, and she will be very happy to hear from you - we were waiting to read your recap - I will go to that thread next.

ANGELA -  Huggles I thought about you ealier in the week - I got the ironing caught up!  Laughing

JoAnn and Prissy - wish I could have gone shopping with you - our Stein Mart closed (it was in Alexandria). There is still one in Shreveport, but I seldom go there to shop.

Prissy - I would have like to have seen your face when that violin was smashed!  Jaw drop!

Sharon - hope your cold is better soon.

Glory - look at the bottom right corner of your computer screen - there should be some icons there, and one of them should be a clock for changing the time on your computer. You can also go into your computer settings to have the time change automatically next time.

Have a great evening, everyone!


Memories of Julie, jj, Liz, Carol, Janet, and Debi Make Me Smile - I Was Lucky To Have Known Them!
I Met Clay In Atlanta On 8/2/05 - Life Is Good!
Posts: 11,500


« Reply #361 on: March 14, 2010, 04:58:59 PM »

FRANKIE, tell Lewis to take it easy and not work so hard.  For some reason gardners usually can't wait to plant and always plant to early.  Guess they like to worry about their plants part of it.   Laughing  Wished I had some of that fresh broccoli and sweet carrots.  Nothing like fresh veggies just ask Preston, he learned to garden last summer with his daddy and loved pulling a carrot out of the ground and eating it.  He sure looked precious doing that.


Beautiful Memories of Beautiful Lives!  Remembering:
Liz, Julie, JJ, Carol, YDebi, Janet, Kris
ANN News Team
Posts: 13,601

Clay's Magazine Maniac

« Reply #362 on: March 14, 2010, 05:05:34 PM »

 wave Pepe!  Huggles I forgot to give a supper report  Laughing We had a green salad, talipia (broiled) with caramelized onions, and fresh spinach (steamed). Later on we are planning to have a WW ice cream sandwich!  Purple Banana Laughing Lewis is working on cleaning the yard and the barn, too - I hope winter is really gone. He has moved the ferns out of the greenhouse today. Even if we have more cold weather, they will be O.K. I love to see children with their own gardens - they are always so proud of growing their own food! Hope you can get some photos of Preston and his gaden this year.

Memories of Julie, jj, Liz, Carol, Janet, and Debi Make Me Smile - I Was Lucky To Have Known Them!
I Met Clay In Atlanta On 8/2/05 - Life Is Good!
Posts: 7,554

Clay's Fiddlin' Poet

« Reply #363 on: March 14, 2010, 05:20:13 PM »

Good Evening!

Skip and I started watching a movie I TiVo'd a while back:  A PAINTED HOUSE based on the book by John Grisham (which I had read a few years ago.)  Then, the electricity went off, but it's on again now!  Strange!

I am so glad to hear that you had a good day!  Walmart and then McDonald's with a view of the lake!  Sounds like a great day and no pain like last time!  Clapping
I love to look at the clothes for little ones at Walmart.  Almost everytime I do, I see something cute for a great niece or the new great nephew and call my ebay sister (their grandmother) to check on sizes!!  I can just picture Preston pulling a carrot out of the ground and eating it!  So cute!

Great Easter pictures!  I have a bunch of them, so I may have to start posting more than one at a time.

When the cellist smashed that violin, it did give me a jolt.  I jumped a little in my seat!!  I wanted to tell everyone that there were parts of the violin that could be salvaged:  the chin rest, the pegs, the bridge, the strings, etc!! Laughing
I am into the Easter posting mode!!

Always happy to see you post!  We had such big winds on Friday, my swing by the pool toppled over (again), and a few things on the gazebo counter blew off and broke.

Remember my fountain that I got years ago that turned out to be only about 12 inches tall?  It looked good on the Gazebo counter and has been there for a while.  The winds were so strong it blew off and broke into pieces!   I am so glad my pot people, Chip and Dale, are safely on the patio!!


Hug  *Prissy*   Music violin2 
Special memories of Julie, Joyce, Liz, Carol, Janet, Kris, and Debi
mrs. c.
Posts: 34,563

Clay's Buttercup

« Reply #364 on: March 14, 2010, 06:12:49 PM »

Shirley, very happy to hear you had a better day today~~Walmart and lunch at McDonald's Purple Banana Purple Banana to hear that you took a few steps on your own warmed my heart Huggles


Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!
Baby you can drive my car
Magnificently eye frelled in Clio
mrs. c.
Posts: 34,563

Clay's Buttercup

« Reply #365 on: March 14, 2010, 06:13:50 PM »

 Laughing Laughing

Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!
Baby you can drive my car
Magnificently eye frelled in Clio
Posts: 4,321

« Reply #366 on: March 14, 2010, 06:20:16 PM »

                    Thanks I"m home. I"m very tired as both nights on the train I could"nt sleep,
                  but it was worth it. I"will try to stay awake to call Shirl as she will be at dinner right now,
                   if not I will call her in the morning.
                                       Corina left for Scotland on Friday so it"s just me and the cat and tomorrow I
                   will pick up Sophie.

                                             I will tell more about the concert of the century in the morning, I think it"s bed for me

                                                Good Night, Sweet Dreams

mrs. c.
Posts: 34,563

Clay's Buttercup

« Reply #367 on: March 15, 2010, 04:23:57 AM »

Good morning all wave
Betty welcome back, bet you had the time of your life
JoAnn come get your coffee, Betty hot tea, and everyone I have hot chocolate with marshmallows for you! Jan, chocolate donuts are here, we saved 2 bigsmile and I went out for Panera bagels and light cream cheese Wink
Feeling some better today, broke a fever last night thank goodness  Tired

Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!
Baby you can drive my car
Magnificently eye frelled in Clio
mrs. c.
Posts: 34,563

Clay's Buttercup

« Reply #368 on: March 15, 2010, 04:31:49 AM »

May I humbly add this to the St. Patty's Day collection Huggles For those who don't know, this is me and my wonderful Dad Woody whom I loved with all my heart heartbeat Even though his body was comprimised he never missed an occasion to be joyful and playful.  We kept Sunnyside Home hopping Wink Laughing


Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!
Baby you can drive my car
Magnificently eye frelled in Clio
ANN News Team
Posts: 13,601

Clay's Magazine Maniac

« Reply #369 on: March 15, 2010, 05:50:15 AM »


Good Morning! Happy Monday!

Sharon - I love the photo of you with your Dad  Huggles

Prissy - I will be enjoying your Easter photos - I posted the only 2 I have last night. I went through my Clay PhotoBucket photos around Christmas and I did get all of the holiday photos moved to one folder.

Have a great day, everyone!

Memories of Julie, jj, Liz, Carol, Janet, and Debi Make Me Smile - I Was Lucky To Have Known Them!
I Met Clay In Atlanta On 8/2/05 - Life Is Good!
Posts: 11,500


« Reply #370 on: March 15, 2010, 06:16:41 AM »

SHARON, so good to know you are feeling some better.  Now that your fever broke please stay in today and rest, let yourself get over this virus and  you don't get a setback.  Sure hope your mom doesn't get it.  I need to take a lesson from Woody and how to act when your health is bad.  I guess I have just not accepted things very well, just keep telling myself I am to young for all this crap. 

BETTY,  yep you sure do need to rest as much as possible.  Wish they would deliver Sophie to you so you didn't have to go after her.  She will be thrilled to be home again. 

PRISSY, what a shame the little fountain broke!!!  I am so glad the pot people are okay.  Mine is sitting in my kitchen would be so upset if something happened to it, I love it!!!!!! 

FRANKIE, I am looking for a recipe for Irish Soda bread.  I made it about 15 years ago, it did  not have yeast in it and it was so good but have no idea where the recipe is for it.  I will fix my corn beef on St. Patricks Day and wanted some soda bread.  I remember it was very good. 


Beautiful Memories of Beautiful Lives!  Remembering:
Liz, Julie, JJ, Carol, YDebi, Janet, Kris
JoAnn Moody
Posts: 1,506

« Reply #371 on: March 15, 2010, 06:37:25 AM »

Pepe---Real quick help.  Go to :  then search "Irish Soda Bread"  They list over 10 pages of recipes that you can choose from.

I would walk a mile for Clay's smile.
JoAnn Moody
Posts: 1,506

« Reply #372 on: March 15, 2010, 06:41:29 AM »

Sharon--Love the picture of you and your Dad! Huggles  It looks like a true "Daddy's Girl" special connection.

  Thanks for the coffee, got to grab and go!  I'm running, no hobbling to my weight management class.  I'm trying to "learn" how to stand on the outside of my shower and stick my head inside to wash it all the while when I'm keeping my bad foot dry!  Can't wait for the stitches to come out on Friday.  The first thing I plan to do:  TAKE A NICE HOT BUBBLE BATH FOR AT LEAST AN HOUR! bigsmile

I would walk a mile for Clay's smile.
Posts: 7,554

Clay's Fiddlin' Poet

« Reply #373 on: March 15, 2010, 07:42:16 AM »

Good Morning!

I stayed up late watching my recordings of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, BROTHERS AND SISTERS, and the new CELEBRITY APPRENTICE!  shock  As you can imagine, it was hard to get up this morning.

I had another strange dream this morning and remember a lot of it:  I was an orchestra teacher in a high school and the principal had called all of the faculty and students to the auditorium.  The faculty was made up of several of you from Claymaniacs! Laughing   I was sitting on the front row with you all.  I looked down at my skirt and realized I had food stuck to it.  I tried to scrape it off!  Then, the principal came over and sat near me.  The principal was OBAMA!!  He said there wasn't enough money in the budget for a high school musical this year;  too expensive to get costumes, sets, etc.  He wanted the choir teacher and me to put on a program.

Then I went searching for the Choir teacher.  She was hiding out.  I went to her house and her two brothers answered the door.  They had on strange robes and pointed hats and said she wasn't there.  Then I found her at a radio station doing a broadcast, but all she would do was repeat what everyone else said!  Then I woke up!!   I know!   Very odd!   The choir teacher was not a Claymaniac but someone I didn't know.   hypnotic

Free day today!  Because of Spring Break, no wedding professionals lunch/meeting and no orchestra practice.  Youngest sister (the kindergarten teacher) called me last night and said she wanted to have a brunch for St. Patrick's Day (Wednesday);  green eggs and ham and other green foods!!  Skip and I will go and other family members that can make it.   Should be fun!

I loved seeing that picture of you and Woody!  I know what a special bond you two had.  I'm glad you are starting to feel better!

I did have several years to enjoy the little terra cotta water feature.  We never set it up as a water feature and actually used the pump with it for another water feature;  I believe the statue Willie's Dillema. 

I hope you take a couple of days just to rest and take it easy!  I'm so glad you had a good time and that the concert was wonderful.

Hello to all checking in and/or reading and have a Marvelous Monday!

I heard Skip in the other room singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the dogs!  I forgot that today is their Birthday! 

dog  dog



Hug  *Prissy*   Music violin2 
Special memories of Julie, Joyce, Liz, Carol, Janet, Kris, and Debi
mrs. c.
Posts: 34,563

Clay's Buttercup

« Reply #374 on: March 15, 2010, 09:39:55 AM »

Prissy, what did you eat for supper, that's one wild dream Laughing Clapping

Happy Birthday to Shadow and Sandy, they are such beautiful babies dog dog
Thanks everyone, I know you realize what my Dad and I shared~~~very special Huggles

Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!
Baby you can drive my car
Magnificently eye frelled in Clio
Posts: 4,321

« Reply #375 on: March 15, 2010, 09:43:14 AM »

Good morning everyone,

             I slept late this morning and then I just had to call Shirl. We had a nice long chat, mostly
             about a wonderful young man.
                    Went and picked up Sophie, they had given her a bath and put a bandana on her. They
                  love her because she gets along with all the dogs and people. Sunny has stopped miowing
                  now, I think he missed her.

                To the main topic now, maybe in sections because of my computer jumping.

                  Weds night we got on the train at 8pm and arrived in Raleigh at 9.30Am. No sleep but excited. Taxi to the Marriott
                    and luckily got into a room right away. Showered, etc. then met up with Claudia. We chatted, eat and met people.

                    I got into my PJs, bed socks and heating pad in bed at 8PM and that was the end of my day.


Posts: 4,321

« Reply #376 on: March 15, 2010, 10:15:02 AM »

                  Just lost  my post so will start again.

                  Friday morning Marilyn arrived. We visited around the lobby ,which was packed with incoming
                   Clay fans . After lunch   people disappeared to get  beautified,or like me did some wishful dreaming.
                  Mimi"s husband had kindly provided transportation to "The Pit" for dinner. After that it was  time to go to the venue.

                    The excitement was really building now. The foyer was jam packed with people chatting, laughing and very excited.
                      It seemed forever before the doors opened for us. Our seats were perfect, center first row Messanine. I did get a hearing aid
                      but it would"nt work because of all the electrical equitment being used. The accoustics were wonderful though, I could hear

                      everything and see everything .Did take my binaculares!

                                                   To be continued
JoAnn Moody
Posts: 1,506

« Reply #377 on: March 15, 2010, 10:22:10 AM »


   Good news!  I lost 1.5 LBS this week!  I had gained 1.0 LBS last week due to going just 3 days after surgery.  Hopefully I  can do it again next Monday.


I would walk a mile for Clay's smile.
JoAnn Moody
Posts: 1,506

« Reply #378 on: March 15, 2010, 10:31:39 AM »




I would walk a mile for Clay's smile.
Posts: 4,321

« Reply #379 on: March 15, 2010, 10:38:34 AM »

          The curtains opened, I think? The setting was gorgeous, the band split on either side and in the center
           a tall slim man with his back to us slowly turned around and came toward  front stage singing "Mack the
            Knife" The place erupted with aplause and cheers. After the first few notes we knew this was something very special.
             I won"t list all the songs as  they have been listed on the concert thread.

               I can"t find words to tell you how wonderful his voice was, the best by far that I have ever heard him. Everything he sang he
                nailed it perfectly. The band was excellent, a little loud but they could"nt drown him, he was more than up to the challenge.

                   When he came to talk to the lady who traavelled 36 hours on buses, he was just two rows below us so we had a wonderful
                   look at him.  He looked gorgeeeeeeeeeeous'!!!!!

                     I loved it when he paid  tribute to his teachers and especially to the one who had him eat lunch in her classroom because he did"nt

                      have friends. What a sweet lady.

                           The last song other than the repeats was UM. This was his and Ben"s arrangment. It was fabulous. The note he held at the

                           end of it was unbelievably astounding. UM is now his!!!! The roof was in danger of being blown oss with the applause.

                                     My arms hurting from sitting under the AC on the train so I will finish now. If I think of anything else will post it later.

                                                   Hope you have"nt all fallen asleep!!!!!

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