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Author Topic: OCD Support Group - Session 137  (Read 246006 times)
Posts: 4,321

« Reply #40 on: February 26, 2010, 02:14:59 PM »

 Went to the doctor's this morning. I have a sinus infection, my annual one and
     I needed antibiotics for my hand. I burnt it on the stove a couple of weeks ago

         and it was pretty nasty.
mrs. c.
Posts: 34,563

Clay's Buttercup

« Reply #41 on: February 26, 2010, 02:35:28 PM »

Shirley, your hand must really hurt, that's a nasty thing to have happen, burns are so tender.

Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!
Baby you can drive my car
Magnificently eye frelled in Clio
Posts: 7,554

Clay's Fiddlin' Poet

« Reply #42 on: February 26, 2010, 02:38:03 PM »

Good Afternoon!

I have had an almost pain free day, and I am very grateful for that.  I'm cautiously optimistic that the massage did have a positive effect and I am reaping the benefits today!! wheee

After our Meals on Wheels deliveries, we came home briefly;  had a light lunch, then headed out for some errands:  my bank and a visit to Hot Chocolates (a chocolate shop owned by two gals in our Wedding Professionals group.  They have a new location and of course, we had to buy a large chocolate brownie.  I did share some of it with Skip!!) I love chocolate

Skip went in to Lowe's and Home Depot while I worked Sudoku puzzles in the van!     Then we  early voted in the Republican primary;  for Texas governor and local elections.

It is cloudy, windy, misty, and cold today!  41 degrees at one point but felt like 32 degrees!  cold

 I just made reservations for a friend in my quartet and me to see a play called, OPUS, about a string quartet.  It is a "soap opera" type play about the dynamics that go on among the members of a string quartet.  We got a senior discount and will attend the matinee on Saturday, March 13! violin2


I am a big believer in hiring professionals to do what they are expert in doing.  I always tell Skip I wouldn't expect a plumber or painter to play violin at a wedding!!  

Ooh!  You burned your hand!   I hope it is feeling better.

I hope you are having a good day.  I did not have hot chocolate this morning, but may have some this afternoon in a very cute mug with a snowman inside of it!! Wink

I imagine you are on your trip or getting ready to leave.

I hope everyone is having a lovely afternoon!  Hug

Hug  *Prissy*   Music violin2 
Special memories of Julie, Joyce, Liz, Carol, Janet, Kris, and Debi
JoAnn Moody
Posts: 1,506

« Reply #43 on: February 26, 2010, 02:59:22 PM »

Betty---Ouch!  Hope the hand is healing. Huggles I do know how burns hurt!  Once, at the age of 5, I grabbed a cup of hot grease(Mom had just fried chicken in it) and it splattered on my chest and arm.  No scars at all.  We had a window unit AC and Mom grabbed a stick of butter put on it, held me in front of the AC and called the doctor.  Of course, the doctor would "shun" that home remedy today but it worked!  The second severe burn was while I was an art teacher.  I didn't know that the plug of my kiln would get so hot!  Took it out to check the inside through the peep hole, touched the wrong end and it burned/stuck to my hand.  The principal rushed me to the ER. Once again, no scars.  Taught me a lesson.  LOOK BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING! bigsmile

Prissy--Glad  to see you feeling better.  I called the house and left you a message. Huggles

Painting "Backup" Plan:
1. Called the first painter and if he can't do it,
2. We're going back to Sherwin Williams tomorrow to see if they have any painters to recommend.
3.  Call the son of the neighbor who used to live across the street.  They had a paint team out while the house  was up for sale.  I actually like that  color better then the sample we have too.

I would walk a mile for Clay's smile.
Posts: 11,500


« Reply #44 on: February 26, 2010, 03:03:17 PM »

JOANN, the trip sounds positive the painting no.  To bad you didn't hold off on having the carpet installed till the very last thing.  Hope the painter can help you out. 

PRISSY, so glad you had a pretty much pain free day, that makes me very happy.  Glad you are drinking out of your cups they sure looked cute on the internet. 


Beautiful Memories of Beautiful Lives!  Remembering:
Liz, Julie, JJ, Carol, YDebi, Janet, Kris
Posts: 14,532

« Reply #45 on: February 26, 2010, 03:17:02 PM »

                                 NEVER MIND...

mrs. c.
Posts: 34,563

Clay's Buttercup

« Reply #46 on: February 26, 2010, 03:38:48 PM »

                                 NEVER MIND...

Splain it to me Glory Laughing

Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!
Baby you can drive my car
Magnificently eye frelled in Clio
JoAnn Moody
Posts: 1,506

« Reply #47 on: February 27, 2010, 03:20:09 AM »

Good Morning Everyone,

  Yep, here I am at 5 a.m., rise and shine everyone!

Sharon---coffee's ready for your wonderful breakfast!  Have you ever tried coffee syrups?  I've been using sugar free syrups every so often instead of Splenda(sweetener).  I usually put in  a teaspoon of Coffee Mate and a package of "Mocha" flavored Splenda but bought some sugar free caramel coffee syrup and when I use that, no Splenda.
   I've also been getting the International flavored instant coffees for our "3:00" coffee.  Most of them or no more then 60 calories per cup even the sugared ones.

OUR PAINTING DELIMA HAS BEEN  SOLVED!  My dear cousins from Rockport, Tx call ever night and last night when  I told him of the "problem" he called back and asked if we could wait until March 11 to finish the project.  He and his wife are going to San Antonio on the 10th, then he is going to head up here and help paint for a few days! Huggles 
   It will be the first week after my foot surgery but I told him that I could be "boss" lmao and help  with what I could. They are so loving.  They also came up last October to stay with Mom while Prissy and I went to the Gala.  He, Randy is Mom's first cousin but he is more  like a son to her and my late Dad.  His Mom died as he was preparing  for high school graduation and  Mom (who's not much older then him) and Dad took him under their wings.  He also adored my Dad like a second Dad too.  He's really only a few years older then my sister.

He is is even going with us to pick out the final "sample" of the color we choose.  Mom and I are going out today to decide on some more color samples to  consider.  She also had her eye on a wall light at the same place I got the vanity, so we will go look at it a second time for her to see  if this is"the one."

   My eye is bothering me more today then  yesterday.  It feels like something is in it, such as a stye growing on the inside.  I've put drops in but nothing has  helped.  I'm just going to watch it.   I hate to try and make an eye doctor appointment.  It seems like you can't get in  to see them until it heals up.  I refuse to go to "Dr.  Doom!"
    My hurt foot is really bothering me today too.  Since I have the surgery this Friday, I've really been exercising on the stair stepper to condition my legs and  hips.  I guess I've over done it on  the foot. I really can't wait to get this over with now.

I would walk a mile for Clay's smile.
mrs. c.
Posts: 34,563

Clay's Buttercup

« Reply #48 on: February 27, 2010, 04:11:05 AM »

Hi JoAnn, thanks for the coffee, and how interesting coffee syrups I must look for them.  Have to admit I love flavoured coffee, I am able to buy Ghirardelli here in specialty stores, and I do treat myself bigsmile
I'm so happy you will have help with the painting, it's such a job, and very easy for some, they are really good at it, glad they'll help Wink That leaves you good at being boss Laughing .  Have you put  a little polysporin in your eye JoAnn, it may soothe nixweiss
Prissy, hoping your back is still improving
Frankie, bet you're having fun!!!!
I made some hot tea and chocolate with mini mallows for y'all too and have Jeanne's chocolate donuts and some cereal with blueberries and bananas this morning Wink

Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!
Baby you can drive my car
Magnificently eye frelled in Clio
Gallery Admin
Posts: 41,370

With all my heart!

« Reply #49 on: February 27, 2010, 04:43:56 AM »

Good morning everyone!   wave


The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've had.
Queen of Clack
Miss you Kris!
Posts: 7,554

Clay's Fiddlin' Poet

« Reply #50 on: February 27, 2010, 07:38:41 AM »

Good Morning!

I'm sorry to say that I had another painful evening and night.  I could not lie flat in the bed or on my side and slept in one of the recliners all night.  I believe when I bent down to try to pull wires for Skip from the opening on the wall near the floor, I aggravated that same painful spot again.  So far, this morning, the pain is not as much.

A memorial service is today at three for a dear lady from our Sunday School class who passed away a couple of days ago.  She was 70, so not really that old.  The obituary said she met her future husband in eighth grade and they married after he graduated from college.  They were married a little over 47 years.

No other plans but to "take it easy" and see if my back can get better!

Very nice of Randy to offer to do the painting for you and Jennie.  He is always willing to step up and help you two.  I wonder if you should go to the eye doctor just to check on that eye.

I am frustrated with this pain in my lower back.  Skip says it will eventually go away, but I am not a very "patient Prissy."   We love Hostess Honey Nut cereal (looks like Cherrios) with blueberries!  Always love the hot chocolate.

I believe Mark leaves today.  I know you will be sad to see him go, but think how wonderful it has been to have him for 10 days.

Hello to all checking in and/or reading and have a Super Saturday!  Hug

Hug  *Prissy*   Music violin2 
Special memories of Julie, Joyce, Liz, Carol, Janet, Kris, and Debi
Posts: 8,062

« Reply #51 on: February 27, 2010, 08:04:56 AM »

Good morning everyone.

Pepe:  sorry your son has to go back home. Huggles

Sharon:  congrats to Canada winning  all those gold medals Clapping

Prissy:  hope the back feels better.

Joann:  glad you got some help.  to bad you didnt live closer, Im a good painter, I do most of  the painting.. sometimes JIm helps Laughing  but he is much slower.

Frankie: hope you are having a good time.

Betty: sorry about the burn, hope its better soon. burns as nasty.. 

Well have a good  day everyone.


Liz, JJ and Julie our CLaymaniancs Angels
Supporting Clay 100%
Offical member of the RBT- I miss my rbt buddy
Posts: 8,062

« Reply #52 on: February 27, 2010, 08:06:55 AM »


Liz, JJ and Julie our CLaymaniancs Angels
Supporting Clay 100%
Offical member of the RBT- I miss my rbt buddy
JoAnn Moody
Posts: 1,506

« Reply #53 on: February 27, 2010, 12:50:11 PM »

Good Afternoon Everyone,

   Sasha------ wave Good to see you and I ALWAYS love the blends you post!

  It is a gorgeous day today!  Bright, sunny and not cold!  Mom and I went our and selected the "perfect" wall light fixture to go above her new vanity.  The room is in "pieces" at the moment but as soon as we get it painted when my cousins come up on the 11th, we will get the vanity moved into the bathroom and installed and the new fixture installed.

   My eye is better this afternoon.  I bought some artificial tear drops yesterday and after the 4th time of using them, some of the soreness has stopped, not all but a lot.  Maybe they are just dry after all.

   My weight management weekly assignment was to "throw" in at least 2 extra bouts of exercise(10 minutes plus) on Saturday.  I count my regular session of 45 minutes walking while we were out today, so now I'm going to do two 10 minute bouts of stair step.  I only do 5 minutes at a time, so it will take 4 small bouts.

I would walk a mile for Clay's smile.
Posts: 4,321

« Reply #54 on: February 27, 2010, 01:26:09 PM »

                      So glad you have help coming to do the painting. What a relief.
                       Hope your eye is feeling better, I use artificial tears every morning.
                       it helps.
Posts: 4,321

« Reply #55 on: February 27, 2010, 01:35:53 PM »

                 I"m sorry your back is still hurting, Have you tried one of those heat pads?

                  I don"t think the cold weather helps.

                   Sorry about your friend.

                              Thank you! Hope you are well.

Posts: 11,500


« Reply #56 on: February 27, 2010, 04:00:31 PM »

PRISSY, I am so sorry about your back.  Wished you would go to the doctor to see what is the matter with it.  Hope you can get some sleep tonight. 

GLORY, what are you up to? 

SASHA, I know you are ready for spring so am I.  At least I could go out on the back porch and sit.  Now I am confined in this house looking at all the things that need to be done that I can't do, and it really drives me mad as I was one that loved to clean house. Hope Miss Chloe is doing okay and eating well. 

See everyone later I am off for the night.


Beautiful Memories of Beautiful Lives!  Remembering:
Liz, Julie, JJ, Carol, YDebi, Janet, Kris
Posts: 4,321

« Reply #57 on: February 27, 2010, 04:24:54 PM »

                        I"m sorry you are having such constant pain, I wish the doctor could help you.

                          I know you will miss your son, but it was so nice he came and visited you.

Posts: 7,554

Clay's Fiddlin' Poet

« Reply #58 on: February 27, 2010, 04:46:15 PM »

Good Evening!

We did go to the memorial service at our church for the lady in our Sunday School class who passed away.  A very nice service, and we saw some former church members we had not seen in a while!   I know the daughter of the deceased fairly well who lives in this area, and I was able to speak to her and give her a hug.  She and I exchange email pictures of our dogs.  I got o meet her sister who lives out of state and looks just like their mother who passed away. 

Skip and I made a stop at Walgreen's on the way home and we both fell asleep in our recliners for about an hour!  So far, I am not having too much lower back pain, so I am grateful for that!  Fingers Crossed

I hope you all have had a nice day and have a lovely evening!  I think we are in for the evening even though one couple at the service asked us about playing "42" this evening.  We may another time.

I just saw your post.  I am hoping I am on the mend! Fingers Crossed  It was awful to see things that needed to be done, and I could not do them because of the pain.  I am hoping my back pain was only temporary, but I will continue to be careful and not lift anything heavy.   I think we will all be happy for Spring to get here.  I would like to get a shrub called, "Flowering Quince" and plant one or more because it is the first plant to bloom in February here.  But we have seen some trees with blossoms already!  shock

How are you doing?  There was a reception after the memorial service with cookies and strawberry punch!  I had a chocolate chip cookie and a Snickerdoodle cookie.  I passed up a chocolate/chocolate chip cookie!  shock  I hope your hand is much better!
I did try the heating pad on my back, but another friend suggested going back and forth from an ice pack to heat.


Hug  *Prissy*   Music violin2 
Special memories of Julie, Joyce, Liz, Carol, Janet, Kris, and Debi
mrs. c.
Posts: 34,563

Clay's Buttercup

« Reply #59 on: February 27, 2010, 06:17:21 PM »

Prissy, sounds like OPUS is a perfect play for you to see Clapping violin2

Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!
Baby you can drive my car
Magnificently eye frelled in Clio
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