Gwenn~ Here's hoping that all is well with you and Barry today. Each day will get a lot easier, you can ask Roger he had to deal with ME after I had the knee surgery...I tried my best to be a good girl,and not give him to much grief.

He was a wonderful caregiver though ,and we made it through,as I'm sure you & Barry will...Just keep hangin' in there!
I loved the review this morning ,the only word in the whole article I disagreed with was ,shmaltz. Other that that she got it right. Its about time someone wrote a positive article about Clay, and I hope we will be seeing a lot more .
I watched AI for the first time this past week, and I must say I was pretty shocked at the guest( stars?) that they had on to perform. That last one with the TV sets,was pretty weird, and Roger said ",What in the world are you watching". I have to agree with a lot of what Clay said about music today being bad, but did you hear how many albums she had sold... Unbelieveable.
SRING,sprung yesterday,and today it looks like we are in for rain this evening & tomorrow, but never fear its a comin'. It would be nice to have a couple of sunny days in a row.