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Did you know? Latest scores
mommeagher has been champion of Avoider for way too long
Our most played game is Collapse, have you played it?
Did you know that mommeagher has claimed way too many champions?
We have 26 games for you to play
Prissy scored 6,540 on Jewels
Prissy scored 18,625 on Jewels
Prissy scored 10,895 on Jewels
Prissy scored 12,590 on Jewels
Prissy scored 7,035 on Jewels
  Arcade   Statistics    

Most played games Most active players
Collapse 9689
Avoider 2843
Brainiac 2507
Tetris 2463
Hungrybob 2330
Mahjong 2246
Cat Memory 2241
Sportssmash 1821
Jewels 1816
Fruitdrop 1387
Prissy 1980
headoverheels 1828
clayharmony 940
aikenseeker 880
mommeagher 803
clayMaine-iac 550
Guest 508
claymagic 411
aiken4clay309 371
stargazer 361
Best Games (by rating) Best Players (by champions)
Hungrybob 5
Break Out 4
Jewels 4
Funkypong 3
mommeagher 9
headoverheels 2
clayharmony 1
stargazer 1
claycon 1
Longest champions
mommeagher (Avoider) 901 weeks 4 days 2 hours 39 minutes
headoverheels (Monstermunch) 901 weeks 2 days 13 hours 22 minutes
CLAYmate4EVER (Mahjong) 894 weeks 13 hours 50 minutes
headoverheels (Shell Game) 892 weeks 5 days 11 hours 59 minutes
mommeagher (Brainiac) 892 weeks 5 days 86 minutes
stargazer (Monsterhatch) 890 weeks 5 days 7 hours 41 minutes
mommeagher (Collapse) 890 weeks 26 hours 6 minutes
mommeagher (Otello) 884 weeks 63 minutes
mommeagher (Diamond Chaser) 883 weeks 3 days 15 hours 51 minutes
mommeagher (Hungrybob) 859 weeks 3 days 22 hours 17 minutes
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